KGB Kurz mixed PvP PvE High end guild
We have been around for 4.5 years with a 6month layoff. I ran the guild for 4 years. We recently started the guild back up from the 6 month layoff with the goal of placing as many experienced players as possible in the same guild so we have the flexibility to do whatever we want. We have 6-8 pvp players doing a lot of HA, a few title hunters/HoM, we have build builders, dungeon runners, experienced traders, and we dabble in speed clears as well. We run Urzog, FOWSC,the ocassional UW balanced team, Trail runs for rep, HA, and basically anything we decided to do when we log on. We prefer quality over quantity and though we are small typically 30+ of our 40 members log on daily. We have one officer with duel GWAMM's and I am 1 title away from my 2nd GWAMM as well. We can offer a stable guild with a great pool of experienced players. We are currently accepting new members experienced a must. Any questions whisper Green Buddah in game.